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Plasteiningar úr Kasakstan

Nýtt verkefni í samstarfi við Linkpower hófst í lok 2023 og kemur til með að votta söfnunar- og endurvinnslu plasteiningar út frá aðferðafræði Verra. Skráningu verkefnis í Verra loftlagsskrá má finna hér.

Nánari lýsing

Situated in the heart of Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan, GorKomTrans is greatly improving plastic waste management through its robust collection and recycling initiatives. The organization is a cornerstone of the city's efforts to manage and repurpose Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), with emphasis on improved collection of plastic waste and PET recycling. GorKomTrans is dedicated to refining the plastic waste management process, aiming to drastically reduce plastic pollution and foster positive environmental and community outcomes. GorKomTrans has established an extensive operational network, adeptly handling a vast array of plastic materials. While the organization collects all types of plastic, it places a special focus on the recycling of PET and PET Flex, showcasing its commitment to targeted and impactful recycling processes. Beyond its operational capabilities, GorKomTrans actively engages local businesses and community members, incentivizing participation in its recycling programs. This inclusive approach not only contributes to significant waste reduction but also cultivates a collaborative environment for sustainability. Specialized sorting and recycling processes are in place, particularly for PET and PET Flex materials, ensuring a streamlined and effective recycling operation. The recent project implementation has marked a notable enhancement in capacity, characterized by the introduction of advanced garbage trucks, sophisticated collection points, and modernized processing facilities. These improvements have significantly amplified the organization's waste management capabilities and environmental impact. Anticipating the success of its ongoing initiatives, GorKomTrans has laid out a comprehensive strategy to utilize capital generated from Plastic credits. Investments are directed towards expanding the transportation fleet and advancing waste processing technologies.

Virta rafhleðslunet

Síðustu vikur hefur vinna með Virta hleðsluneti gengið vel. Verkefnið snýst um að votta kolefniseiningar út frá starfsemi Virta í Evrópu. Nánar um verkefnið síðar.


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